As many biologists are Mac/Unix users it is worth noting that sedfit / sedphat can now run DIRECTLY from your Intel Mac / Unix machine. The information below regarding Codeweaver seems outdated. However, there are several more modern (and faster) alternatives, and it seems that most Winodws emulating software should work. From user reports, this includes "VMware fusion", "Parallels Desktop", "Boot-Camp". In any of these, if you have a choice, assign a large RAM memory and as many processing cores as possible. April 2010 Addition 12/2010: "Crossover" does not seem to work well. Please do not use with SEDFIT or SEDPHAT. How to do it: ============= 1. Download "codeweavers cross over Mac" from You have 60 days demo or buy directly for $60. 2. After installation of the codeweavers you can download the Sedfit.exe + Sedphat.exe files into you destination folder (such as /Applications). 3. Installation of the two is from the 'codeweavers' application. First you will have to create ‘new bottles’ (you can name them as SEDFIT and SEDPHAT). 4. To run the sedfit/sedphat, you can put the following lines in your .cshrc file: alias sedfit 'open /Applications/sedfit94.exe' alias sedphat 'open /Applications/sedphat.exe' After sourcing the shell (or opening a new shell) you can launch the software by issuing the command 'sedfit' or 'sedphat' in your terminal shell. 5. Alternatively, if you do not have .cshrc or other shells configurations, you can make aliases (apple+l) of the sedfit94.exe and sedphat.exe files to your desktop. Double Clicking the alias or the .exe files should start the softwares. Notes: ====== 1. Since 'codeweavers' was made to run PC applications on Mac there is a list of supported softwares that one can choose to install, of course Sedfit / Sedphat are not on the list. However you can ignore the notes and the suggestion to consult with the codeweaver team and just continue with the installation. 2. You probably need X11 (an X-windows for mac); it comes with the original OS but it is not installed by default, so you will have to install it by yourself from the OSX CD. 3. You may not be able to make links for these softwares into your Dock therefore the suggestion of having pointer from your desktop. 4. Should you have further questions/comment please do not hesitate to email me Good luck, Gali